Thursday, January 9, 2014

If you have any questions about living in Mexico, you can contact me (Brenda) at

I have not been posting for a few days due a computer glitch.  Thanks to my wonderful son who is an IT genius the problem is solved.

We have settled in at the church below.  The people are friendly and we are enjoying the sermons and fellowship.

 We had some errands on Monday that took us to Chapala, which is about 10-15 minutes away.  This picture is on the main road in Chapala.

 This is Chapala's plaza.

 Many Americans and Canadians live in Chapala also.

This is a new Generic Pharmacy in Ajijic.  Bob took a list of his prescriptions to this pharmacy and the Pharmacist spoke good English and quoted him prices.  You do not need a doctor's prescription to fill most prescriptions.  Mostly you need a prescription for pain pills with narcotics.

It is not unusual to see many people packed in the back of pick up trucks. I have actually counted 15 in one! However, if you are in the vehicle without a seat belt on, you will be pulled over and given a ticket.  I rarely used a seat belt in Virginia, as I hate to wear them. I know it is unsafe and a "bad" habit.  Mexico has taught me the value of wearing one!

 This is a dental clinic on the main highway around the corner from us.  It is clean, English speaking and the dentist is very nice and does a great job.  Bob's sister had 6 mercury fillings taken out and replaced with porcelain ones and the total cost was $300. Ray, Pat's husband, had a bridge with 2 teeth made and it cost $300 also. Teeth cleaning cost about $12.  Below is a chart of dental procedures and their charges in pesos.  One dollar is worth 12.85 pesos. That would made a porcelain crown cost  about $155. Crowns in the US cost anywhere from $800-$950 each.

Since we will be moving in a couple of weeks to our new home, we were in need of some kitchen things like towels, pot holders, mixing bowls, plastic water pitcher, large frying pan and some quart size pots. Our neighbor and friend, Melanie, let us come shopping in her kitchen and borrow what we need until we leave in May. That was so sweet and generous of her. 

We currently have a house guest for the next 2-3 days.  Her name is Tiki and she is the cutest, sweetest dog.  She is young, about 4 months old, and loves to run with Flower.

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