Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. 

We are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving with 5 of our Mexican friends and 1 of our American neighbors.  Our Mexican friend, Aracelly is preparing the turkey.   By the way, a 12 lb. turkey in Mexico costs $38 (US) dollars! We are having a traditional meal with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, string beans, sweet potato casserole, cranberry relish, home made yeast rolls, apple pie and  pineapple upside down cake. Finding American sweet potatoes in the markets here are difficult as they grow a different sweet potato that is dark red and tastes different from ours. If you see any, you'd better buy them up quickly!

Setting the table for our guests.
My contribution is sweet potato casserole, string beans and homemade .yeast rolls.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

For about ten days there is some sort of Festival here and the fireworks are really loud and non stop going off from 5:00 a.m. and continuing into the evening.  The church is the one igniting the fireworks.  It sounds like a transformer blew up in  your yard.  Our poor dogs are shell shocked. Bob's sister's dog, an English bulldog, has to wear a thunder jacket and shakes the whole time they are going off.  Flower hides under the bed. The fireworks aren't pretty, just LOUD!  Oh did I mention the church bells which are lovely except not so much at 5:00 in the  morning and carry a long distance in the middle of the night.  This morning at 6:00 a.m. the church shot off 175 loud booming fireworks.  That was the end of sleeping!

In this video, this main side street is blocked off and many tent vendors are set up. The church is several blocks away, but you can tell how loud the bells are and they really overshadow just how loud the one firework boom is that goes off in the video. We have till Monday to "enjoy" the festivities!

This wall painting was near the plaza as we strolled past the tent vendors. Very 3-D!
These beautiful birds are all around our yard.

This one year old  banana tree is in our side yard and is now producing bananas.  Can't wait to try one!

We pass these baby bottle shaped condominiums when we get our mail.  Love these.  They have a great view of the lake.

Poinsettias are in full bloom and about 12 ft. tall.

Bob , Flower and I are on our morning walk around the lake.

A lady walking the lake showed me where the bare area on one of the mountains looks like an eagle.  Can you see it? Took me forever to catch on....I'm .a little dense I guess!

Custom made chairs for sale.
Art Sculpture on display.

This cute tiny dog had on a dog coat with FBI lettering on it!

Christmas is in the air and on display here in Ajijic.

These police stand at attention by the police station across from the plaza. We told them they would be "famous" in the US!

How would you like this to be your front door?

Advertising on the street.

Another cool old door.
We are still experiencing flip flop and shorts weather.  It actually got down to 45 degrees last night.  The days warm up to about 78-80 degrees.
If you have any comments or questions, write us at

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The weather here in the winter season is beautiful.  The temperature each day ranges from 60 degrees at 5:00 a.m. and warms up to about 76-78 during the day and is sunny to mostly sunny all day.  It is strange to have such beautiful weather every day.

While walking the boardwalk by the lake each morning, we have made many friends.  One of them is Sabrina Myers.  She is an artist who moved here recently from Canada.  Her father is Canadian and her mother is Mexican.  She was invited to display her artwork at a local art exhibit in the plaza.  We went to the art exhibit to visit with her. Sabrina is a joy to be around.

As we stopped by to see Sabrina, she was touching up her latest picture (behind her).
The following pictures are in her exhibit.

Day of the Dead exhibit.

These are examples of her pencil sketches.  They were so detailed and beautiful.

This is a commissioned piece for a couple.

This is a commissioned piece for a Canadian athlete.

These were made celebrating mothers.

The following art is by other various artists.

This was Bob and my favorite.  It was so 3-D.  The cigarette in his mouth looked as if it was really glowing and smoke coming from it.  The eyes and details in the picture were amazing.

This is a statue as you enter the art display center in the plaza.

This guitar was set up in the plaza.

A carnival takes up most of an entire street.

Children playing a choose the duck game.

Street food vendors are everywhere.

The sunset as we walked away from the plaza.  Another great day as we continue our vacation in Mexico!

Monday, November 25, 2013

[Each of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them.  If you have questions or comments, you can email us at]

People who have lived here for several years or more say that after October the rains stop here and the weather stays dry for many months.  Well, this year seems to be the exception.  We have had several thunder storms in November.  The temperature has been 76-79.  Two nights ago the sky got cloudy and it thundered and it began to pour and much to all of our surprise, we saw pea sized hail bouncing in the grass.  I am sure that doesn't occur very often here!

Dark clouds forming before the thunder storm.

Bob sweeping the water off the balcony after the storm.
Evening sky after the storm had passed.
The Revolution Day Parade took place this past week.  People were all lined up outside of their houses to see it.

A mother helping her little boy.

This little girl was beautiful.


This door was on a house in the parade route. 

Karate class.

The woman with her head looking down was worn out trying to keep the children in line and seated on this float!

This little boy with his father was adorable.

This woman stopped to let a child pet her horse.