Sunday, November 10, 2013

[Each of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them.  If you have questions or comments, you can email us at]

Saturday was a beautiful day for a wedding.  Our housekeeper, Maria, invited us to share in her special day.  Maria is a sweet person and a great housekeeper.  She got married 4 blocks down the road at a local Catholic church.  She looked beautiful.  Her fiancé, Armando, lives across the street and is a friend of Pat and Ray's.  He helps with the many problems that occur with the maintenance of our house.

This is Maria and her daughter is smoothing her train.

The children carrying her train were so precious.

Ray congratulating her.

The reception was held at a walled events field about a mile from our house.  It was set up with many tents, tables and a band.  We were escorted to a reserved table where were seated by the priest, who was from Chicago and a friend of his also from Chicago.  There were very few "gringos" like us there and Maria was so sweet to make sure we were seated by other English speaking people.  Unlike American brides and grooms, they are not seated at a head able, but walk around serving their guests which numbered about 350 including many children.  The food was served to each table and consisted of 3 different typical Mexican wedding dishes.  All the food was made by her family and most of the guests were related  to Maria and her fiancé.

You can see Bob mingling behind the Coca Cola tent at the right hand corner.

The band is setting up.

Children were having fun chasing each other in the open field.

These are some of the wedding cakes.

This was the main wedding cake.  We did not stay for the cake as Ray had planned a surprise birthday party for Pat at Roberto's Restaurant.  Nor did we eat much of the food served as we had to eat again  in 2 hours!  We are sure that the party lasted late into the night.

After the wedding reception, we attended an art show opening about 2 blocks from us.  This dog is not ours, it is a street dog that wandered up and nudged Bob as I took the picture!

Roberto brought Pat a piece of cake with a candle.

The guests were Aracelly, Pat's best friend, Ray

Memo and his son Francisco, Bob

and Fred and Jonnie.  A good time was had by all and Pat was very surprised.

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