Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. 

We are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving with 5 of our Mexican friends and 1 of our American neighbors.  Our Mexican friend, Aracelly is preparing the turkey.   By the way, a 12 lb. turkey in Mexico costs $38 (US) dollars! We are having a traditional meal with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, string beans, sweet potato casserole, cranberry relish, home made yeast rolls, apple pie and  pineapple upside down cake. Finding American sweet potatoes in the markets here are difficult as they grow a different sweet potato that is dark red and tastes different from ours. If you see any, you'd better buy them up quickly!

Setting the table for our guests.
My contribution is sweet potato casserole, string beans and homemade .yeast rolls.

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