Thursday, December 12, 2013

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Part 1

Just returned from a week at Cuyulatan on the Pacific Ocean.  We were there a few weeks ago for 3 days.  Bob asked the owner of the cottage if he could do some repair work in return for staying again and the owner gladly agreed.  It was a wonderful week.  The weather was hot and humid, but we lounged on the balcony in the morning with coffee and breakfast, went to the beach in the afternoon, swam, boogey boarded and rested under an umbrella.  Later in the afternoon we returned to the cottage and swam in the pool.  I think this is my favorite vacation!  The area is mostly a Mexican resort and a very small one.  The population is said to be about 800 people, but we saw in the 7 days we were here on the main  street and other side streets no more than about 25 people all week.  It was like a small town out of the "Twilight Zone".  It was kind of eerie! It looks to be a fairly "depressed" area with business good only for about 3 months out of the year - Jan., Feb. and Mar. or on special holidays as the one when we were last there.  We expected to see many people on the beach, but there were none.  I have always dreamed of being on a deserted island and this past week came as close as I am going to get!  We had no TV, no phones, no internet and saw only a few people on the beach.

The 3 hour drive to get o Cuyulatan is all on well maintained toll roads and is a very beautiful drive.

This "restaurant" is across from our cottage.  I say restaurant very loosely!  We brought our own food for the week!

The living room and dining room of the cottage.

Another view of the living room

Downstairs bedroom


Outdoor eating area by the pool

View from the top of the stairs leading to the balcony and 4 bedrooms

Balcony where we enjoyed coffee and lounging until about 11 a.m.
Our upstairs bedroom looking out onto the water.

Upstairs bedroom overlooking the water.

Upstairs bedroom

Upstairs bedroom

pool area

boogey much fun!


The beach is empty except for a few people further down the beach.

Looking in the opposite one!

The boardwalk was empty all week....eerie!

Every night from the balcony the sunsets were gorgeous.

One morning we saw a fisherman from our balcony and we rushed down to see if he caught anything in his net.

He threw this one back!

He caught several other fish.  He tried to tell us what kind of fish they were but he didn't speak English and we spoke very little Spanish to be able to communicate.

A wonderful way to begin each morning.

Bob enjoying his coffee looking at the surf.

Bob found a live sand dollar in the surf.  I was amazed he saw it as the creature is dark and so is the sand under the water.  We enjoyed seeing it and placed it back in the ocean.

Our umbrella and chairs.

Another lovely sunset.

We decided to drive through the area and came across this coconut palm saw mill.  The wood is beautiful and supposedly resists the weather and termites.  Yes, there are termites here also.

Most of the houses here look in need of paint and repairs.  Some worse than others. Some look abandoned.

As on this side street and many others, there were NO people!

We came across this grand entrance that said private property.  Wow.. we thought there must be a wonderful house behind those walls.

This is what was behind the walls!  Not what we had expected to see!

More places in this village.

This place is run down, but I fell in love with it.  It is huge and must have been very lovely when it was new.
The house or maybe it was a hotel is about a block long and looks deserted.  I love the wall and the windows in the mansion.

It had beautiful palms in the yard and balconies in the front.

This woman walked down the very hot beach selling her wares.  I bought a bracelet.  What a tough way to make a living.

These young boys and several children with them had a net in the water and caught about 17 fish.  They were hooping and hollering really loud with joy and a little later they came walking down the beach with fish in their hands and hanging out of their pockets!

Another wonderful sunset.

We rented our umbrella and chairs from this man and we were his only customers all week.

Another end to a perfect day!

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