Sunday, December 22, 2013

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Christmas decorations for sale along the main street.

There aren't many outside Christmas lights in our area.  This video is of the lights across the street from us.

This is the only Christmas decoration we brought from the states.  Our Jeep was so full!  Our son and his wife brought us this nativity scene from Africa while serving on the Mercy Ship with YWAM.
The mountains across the lake are so clear today.  It looks so close, but is 12 miles away.

We are continuing to hunt for another place to live as of Feb.1 as we are not sure whether we will remain in our current house. We looked at a second floor apartment just off the boardwalk on the lake.  It was a cute place and the picture above was the view from about every room.  However, you had to climb a small winding metal staircase to enter.  With a dog or groceries, that was not what I had in mind. Also, a restaurant would be going in beneath us.  That could be noisy and so we are still looking.  We do have a place in mind and will soon see if it is for us.

This is the oddest looking tree.  It has avocado colored and shaped things growing on it and then they burst open to have cotton looking balls.  See below.

This young man was flying high on his bike alone the lakeside at the skateboard park.

The park along the lake was full of dogs, children and families enjoying the beautiful day.

This treat for sale on the boardwalk was a mix of nuts and sweet caramel and sold for 80 cents.

These little boys were fascinated with the water fountain.

This family was hanging a piñata.

Before they could get it hung, one young boy picked up a stick and started swinging.

People riding horses by the lake.

We spent the morning attending Christmas services at a new church.  We went with our neighbor, Melanie, and enjoyed the service.  The pastor and his wife are from Texas.  It is difficult to find a church similar to the Waters Edge Church that we attended at home; however the people were friendly and we will be going back.

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