Thursday, August 29, 2013

As is almost is a beautiful day in Ajijic.  We decided to just wander around today with no real agenda.  We started out on the Malecon (boardwalk).  During the weekdays, not many people seem to be here.  Why I am not sure as it is so lovely.

 I could sit here for a long time, read a book or just look at the mountains and watch the
 clouds pass by.
Instead, I decided to try out the exercise equipment.  What a wonderful view to exercise by and no lines!
Next stop, our dog's vet, Dr. Memo, to buy a hummingbird feeder. He is a really nice person and loves the animals.
This building was a couple of doors down from the Vet and has a beautiful tile exterior
 instead of paint.
Further down the street was a house with the clothesline hung in front of their door.  I have seen clothes hung many places, but this is a first.  Also they never hang underwear outside.  It is considered rude and hung in the house to dry.
We decided to visit the Lake Chapala Society which was established about 50 years ago on donated land to be a haven for ex-pats.  It is really nice and cozy inside with many small walkways leading to beautiful flora and tables at which you could sit with friends and have coffee, sandwiches and desserts.  It is a great way to meet other ex-pats.  They offer an English library, day trips to nearby places, classes on many different subjects, lectures and dances. And yes, you can bring your dog.  Dogs are welcome just about everywhere here.  She is enjoying The Lake Chapala Society too!
Inside the gates are an enormous variety of blooming plants and trees, fountains, and ponds.
Just a small sampling of the beautiful blooming plants.
This is the meeting area where they place chairs for lectures.
 Speakers use the gazebo for lectures, classes, or sometimes there is music and dancing.
One of the many areas to sit and read or enjoy some time with friends.
A whimsical chair.
It is now lunchtime so we decided to go by our new favorite lunch place.
This place is beautiful and has rooftop seating in the evening. The young couple who own the restaurant is very friendly.  The have an adjacent power car wash so you can get your car washed and cleaned inside and out while you eat!  Very enterprising.
The restaurant serves a variety of choices. We have fallen in love with the fried Maui Maui fish tacos.  They are delicious and served with Tostitos.
 This is our view from our table at the restaurant.

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