Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yesterday we decided to walk to the lake which is about 5 blocks away.  The temperature was great...about 78 degrees.

This is a picture of the house we live in sfrom the road.  It has a locking gate and 10 ft. wall all around.
This is a wall painting at the end of our block.  I was told an artist 's 17 year old son painted it.
This is what the street looks like that intersects our street.  All the streets are cobble stoned and narrow.
About 2 blocks from the lake, this horse was tied to the tree in front of his owner's home.
The lake is 12 miles wide and 55 miles long. The summer months bring rain that helps keep the lake full.  This summer the rain fall is down so far. That particular  mountain is an extinct volcano.
This picture was taken at the lake and in the distance is the city of Chapala.
Each Mexican home is walled and the doors are all different.  I love to see the different styles.
On our walk we passed a huge estate that was for sale.  The home is over 160 years old and built on a 16th century foundation.  The doors look very old and are about 20 feet high.  Bob said it reminded him of a King Kong movie!
A peek inside reveals a long walkway to a courtyard and the house is beyond that.  Behind Mexican walls can be an average house or a beautiful mansion.
A block away from our home, we passed an artist shop that was closed for the day.  On the shop's wall was this mural.
Bob and his sister went to a local  nursery today and bought flowers to place on our balcony.
5 plants and 3 flower pots came to about $15.
I was feeling a little "under the weather" today so Bob went into the yard and picked some of the flowers he thought I would like best!  He knows I love flowers.  What a sweet husband I have!
So ends another day in Ajijic as we sat on the balcony and watched the sunset.