Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Waters Edge Church gave us many farewell celebrations.  We enjoyed a dinner celebration at the County Grill with our previous community group.  Our current community group gave us a wonderful covered dish dinner and prayers for our trip.  The usher team gave us a delicious luncheon and beautiful plaque. We have been overwhelmed by your love for us.

Warwick River Mennonite Church had a very loving farewell service and luncheon for my 23 years as their secretary/bookkeeper.  The many cards, hugs, well wishes and signed plaque will be treasured.

We packed the car on August 1 and headed for South Carolina.  We couldn't have gotten 1 more item in it!  Did I really need all that stuff in those 12 boxes?! 

We drove for 8 hours to Anderson, South Carolina and spent the night in a motel.
Next morning we drove 8 hours to Jay, Florida which is just across the Alabama border to stay with
Bob's sister and her husband on her horse farm.  She has 13 horses, pigmy goats, chickens, peacocks, and 4 border collie's [2 were brother and sister to our dog].

Bob and some of his sister's horses
Peacocks love to love at themselves 

Just across the Alabama line in Brewton we had lunch and nearby was a small park with a beautifully painted mural on the wall.


Next was a 10 hour drive to Katy, Texas just outside of Houston to stay with Hugh and Cindy Bellomy.  Hugh and I worked together at a brokerage firm in the 70's and have kept in touch over the years.   He was single at the time and spent many an evening at our home eating dinner and watching  with Bob and I. His family lived in Phoebus (as did mine). We so enjoyed seeing he and his wife again.  Below is a picture of Bob with Hugh.
My cousin Trudy drove from Houston with her mother and step-father to have lunch.
I had not seen her mom since they moved to Houston from Phoebus about 40 some years ago.

From Katy we drove to San Antonio, spent the night and then on to Laredo where we are now.  The temperature in Laredo today was 108.  Not even the pool could entice us to go outside for any long period of time.  Bob and I opted for a nap in the air-conditioned room. Tomorrow we will cross the border and pray we do not get selected to be searched. I can't imagine taking ALL that stuff out and putting it back in the car.

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