Friday, August 9, 2013

For all of our WEC friends, we crossed the border with this breakfast

The border guards spoke almost no English. They tried to explain in Spanish where we were to go to obtain the vehicle decal after the initial inspection.  We must have looked bewildered, as an official
came to the car window and in very broken English said he would help us and to follow him.  It appeared to me we were driving away from the border crossing, then I saw the immigration sign.  What a relief! The official then came to our window and aggressively demanded $20.00.  Welcome to Mexico!  The immigration officials spoke relatively no English either.  I just assumed since I am sure Americans cross the border there would be some English speaking people. Wrong assumption! It was like being at the DMV and they spoke a foreign language!! The process took about 60-90 minutes and it was very hot in the cement parking lot.  I walked the dog so she would not have to sit in a hot car.

                        Waiting in the heat, children feeding birds in the immigration parking lot

Once that was behind us, we were on an interstate type road for many miles, most of which was uninhabited.  Miles of mountains on both sides with yucca like trees as far as you could see.


It must be a hard lifestyle in these remote areas.
The house above and the clothes on the fence were covered with the white powder from a nearby mountain mining operation.
We weren't sure what this was, but Bob said it reminded him of the movie, Mad Max!

Further down the road, Bob almost ran over a cone in the road and zig zagged to avoid hitting it. Much to our dismay, about a quarter mile ahead were a group of Federal police with AK47's motioning us to pull over.  I thought, Great, now we are going to get a ticket or worse!  Bob rolled down his window and the police began talking in Spanish, of course.  Bob said "no comprende".
the officer said "You don't speak Spanish?!" He then asked us in English where we were going and where we had come from as his buddies and their machine guns stood close by.  After relaying our information, he smiled and said have a good day.
We arrived at a safe and clean hotel for the night.  The grounds were beautiful and I enjoyed a swim
while Bob watched TV in Spanish.
The next day should have been about a 6 hour drive, but since we got lost a couple of times,
it took longer!  There are many toll roads across Mexico.  We probably paid about $100 (US)
in tolls to reach Ajijic.  One of the roads took us up a high mountain that had 2 very small lanes and the traffic was going 55 miles an hour around constant winding sharp curves.  18 wheelers flying around each corner  and if Bob wasn't careful we could have fallen about 50 feet below.  It was one of the scariest rides Bob or I had ever had!.  I am so thankful he is a good driver.
I took this picture looking over the side.  It doesn't really do it justice as to exactly how close the car was to the edge and how far below the ground was!
We have now arrived safely at our new home.  Thanks for the many prayers that covered us with mercy as we traveled.

At the end of our journey, Bob and his sister, Pat, relaxing on the balcony outside of our bedroom.

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