Friday, August 16, 2013

Bob and his sister had visited a large nursery to buy some plants and I had stayed at home.
He wanted me to see all the unusual varieties for sale. Below are some that caught my attention.

This plants sells for about $4.50 and it blooms once a year.
We love the woven trunk of this plant.
This palm with the huge base was only 2 years old.
This tarantula was in an aquarium.  I asked the young girl who was helping us if it belonged to her.  She said it was the owner's pet.  I asked " Does it bite" and her reply was " Yes, but it's OK it is not poisonous!
We left the nursery and drove down the main street (kind of like our Mercury Blvd).
We stopped by where Bob's sister volunteers each Tues.  She loves thrift shops and garage sales so this is a great job for her.  The proceeds from the shop help support a local orphanage.
We all got out and looked around.  Who can pass up a bargain?  We are trying to find a couple of lounge chairs for the balcony.  One place further down the road had new ones for $549 (US) each. Very over priced!  But depending on what you want, they hope Americans will pay the high dollar.
We went into the city of Jototepec today about 20 minutes away.  I had not been feeling well for several days.  We heard from a neighbor that she had a great Dr. so I decided to give her a try, especially since she spoke English.  I found her to be thorough and personable.  I was not disappointed. She spent an hour and 15 minutes with me.  The visit and the lab work came to $60 (US).  She gave me 4 prescriptions which came to about $30 (US).
Yes, I have caught the dreaded amoeba. The 4th prescription is preventative pills to prevent Bob from catching it. Gee, I have been very careful not to drink the water, eat at any roadside vendors and we clean the produce and fruits with special chemicals.  The Dr. had a great since of humor.  She said they love newcomers and Welcome to Mexico!
We decided not to cook, but eat out.  One of the favorite restaurants of his sister's is Roberto's.  It was beautiful.  So many wonderful plants surrounded you as you dined outside.
You walk into what looks like a lush garden
filled with huge bird of paradise plants
and  beautiful garden areas.
You walk up some stairs to cute small areas filled with plants and tables.  The menus are in English and the waiters speak English.  The atmosphere was great and they had a guy softly playing the keyboard. He was good.  He even played the theme song to the old TV show "Bonanza".  There was quiet laughter throughout the restaurant filled with Americans.  The food was good and the price even better.  During the summer months they have 2 nights with a 2 for 1 special.  Each meal was about $5.00. 
I had the "Jersey Shore" platter and Bob had fish and chips
Bob' sister and her husband had veal marsala.  We tasted it and it too was good.

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