Sunday, August 11, 2013

The weather here has been great averaging about 75 degrees and 67 at night.  Yesterday
we took our dog to the vet.  She had not been feeling very good. He gave her a check up, groomed her with a short hair cut. He said she had an infection and gave us a prescription for her to take and the total bill came to $40 (US). Now my border collie looks like a poodle!
Beautiful view from our shower window.
Bob standing next to a cactus in the side yard.
An odd vase in the yard, Creepy, think we'll leave it in the yard!
Bob's sister showed us around Ajijic this afternoon pointing out where our bank, post office box, Walmart and safe restaurants were.  We went to a grocery store called SuperLake that sold almost exclusively American products. Below is an example of one of the items.  The price is in pesos and converted to dollars equals about $9.00. You pay more for American products, but if you are really craving something they probably have it!  
We ate lunch at a small sidewalk café that had excellent empanadas. The were handmade and were $1.50 each.  There were delicious.  Mine was ham, cheese and pineapple.  Bob's was a beef mixture.  The owner spoke good English and was very friendly.  Bob's sister is a regular customer.





  1. Great to see that things have settled down a bit since your drive through Mexico!

    1. We actually have unpacked all 12 boxes, 2 suitcases and the many things stuffed under the seat!
      I had to ask myself...did I really need all that stuff in those 12 boxes. But the answer is...probably! We miss you guys.
