Monday, September 16, 2013

We have had rain for the last 2 days due to a tropical storm and my internet has been out. On Saturday we attended the Globo Paper Balloon Festival in the Ajijic soccer stadium.  It was a lot of fun.  Paper balloons of all sizes, colors and shapes were heated and fire placed in them and set afloat to rise into the sky. Not all the balloons made it.  Some ignited on the ground and some in the sky above the crowded stadium.  Fortunately no one was injured and a good time had by all.  I did run with my camera on several occasions as to avoid he falling debris.  Food and beverage vendors were all around.  Mexicans and Americans attended this event. We all spoke the same language.  When a balloon was successfully, launched we all said "ooohh"  and clapped. When one burned up, we all said "aaah" and when several almost went into the seating everyone yelled "eeeh".

SpongeBob, of course

This adorable little girl was selling gum in the stadium seating area.

Vendors setting up. The man with the blue box on wheels is selling ice cream.

 There were probably about 1000 people in the stadium area where the balloons were released.

 Sometimes someone would stand on a ladder and others would pull the corners of the balloon to help it fill with the heat before releasing it.
 I thought the man in the picture was dead.  I checked to make sure he was breathing.  No one else seemed concerned.  I think he probably had too much Corona!
There were many "characters" in attendance and he was one of them.

 Bob sat in the top level of stands as I mingled in the crowd and took pictures.  He became friendly with the Mexican man and his family (to his right) and he invited us to his home for dinner this coming Friday.  
 Candy for sale.
 Some people sat on the wall surrounding the stadium for a great view.

 This was one method to heat up the air in the balloon.

 Some balloons were really large.  The man is standing on a step ladder.
 This one caught on fire and is heading downward.
 The balloon in this picture caught fire on the electrical wire.  No problem! Just let it burn out!
 This large balloon was heading into the seating area. Everyone was yelling ''EEE" but a gust of wind picked it up at the last moment! 
 One of the balloons caught on fire on top of the metal awing covering the seating so they got a garden hose and ran it up the stairs and through a rusted out hole in the covering.  No problem! The little girl in the picture was enjoying taking pictures of the balloons.
 This one didn't make it up very far.

This one is on it's way down.

This one caught fire before it even left the ground.

 Scary!! This is the part where you run.
This one was huge  You can see the fie inside.
Another method of filing the balloon with heat.


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