Sunday, September 29, 2013

You may wonder what it is like to drive in Mexico.  You will need to purchase Mexican car insurance.  I have driven only once since arriving.  I am not anxious to drive here. Cars and buses pull in front of you, pass you on the wrong side and much more! Bob has done the driving.  I am afraid if it were me driving down those narrow cobblestone streets, I would be the one knocking off someone's side mirror! There are many one way streets off the main road called the carrethera.  They are all very narrow with people parking along them.  To find out whether a road is one way, you need to look on the side of the building at the corner you want to turn onto for an arrow or on a nearby tree or sometimes there is  not any indication. You will see cars parked in all different directions on the road, but that is  not a true indication either.  Sometimes it is just a guessing game and you hope you are going the right way and don't get a ticket! The Mexican people however, don't seem to get too bothered if you are driving the wrong way down the street.

This sign means both ways.


 This sign means that if you want to make a left turn at the next intersection, you must take a right here and go around the semi-circle and then straight through the next light.

 This picture shows the semi-circle.
As you can see, the streets are very narrow and this Volkswagen is very small compared to suv's and vans, etc.
Stop lights are different here also.  They are two reds (don't know why), a yellow and a green.  The yellow lasts about 3 seconds, so you'd better stop fast on yellow or you might get a ticket.  At some lights, after the green and yellow or after the yellow and red,  the stoplight doesn't show the next is just blank.  That is because they haven't changed the light bulbs for a while, so you just need to see what the other traffic is doing and follow them!  Most of the people we have spoken to have said the police in this area are very nice and often give you a warning if you are stopped.
 This wild sign is for a business that does about everything from plumbing, electrical and other repairs.
An unusual picture on a street wall.

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