Monday, October 28, 2013

[Each of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them.  If you have questions or comments, email us at]

Saturday morning the clouds over the mountains were beautiful.

We began our day with the usual 2-3 mile walk by the lake and exercising.
The view was exceptionally clear considering the mountain is 12 miles away.

This stained glass window is in a retirement home near where we walk. 
We drove to pick up dog food and this vet's office was next door to the animal shelter where we buy our dog's food.
My most favorite door handle (about 12 inches long) seen so far
belongs to this gardener entrance door.

At 4:00 pm in the town square they displayed pumpkins created by the local children. All supplies were donated and the  pumpkin and seeds inside were given out to the locals to be able to either eat or sell.  The pumpkins were auctioned off and the funds given to local charities.

Also happening was the 2013 (Michael Jackson's)Thriller Dance that takes place worldwide on the same day at the same time.  Each participant solicits fundraising and all the funds go to local charities. Below is some of the "gruesome" cast of zombie characters.



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